by Mirku | Aug 31, 2021 | Blog, Financial Reporting
The importance of filing financial reports when running a business. Here’s a piece of useful trivia. The abacus, called Suan-Pan in Chinese, as it appears today, was first chronicled circa 1200 C.E. in China. The device was made of wood with metal reinforcements. On...
by Mirku | Aug 23, 2021 | Blog, Financial Reporting
The Importance Of Financial Reports For Entrepreneurs Why check and balance is essensial in running a business Many entrepreneurs get too overwhelmed with financial reports that they try to avoid it. When we are starting up, we tend to focus on everything–...
by Mirku | Aug 18, 2021 | Blog, Financial Reporting
Cashing Out! The Important Role of Financial Management in Business. When running a startup or any business enterprise, understanding this simple thought helps to keep things in the proper perspective. Cash is King. Scratch. Wampum. Dough. Sugar. Clams. Loot. Bills....